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We're Adopting!!!

It's true...we have a special someone thousands of miles away, who may or not be born yet, who is being intricately woven deep into our hearts! We have longed for this day for so long and we long even more to hold our child in our arms and call them ours! And, to be truthfully honest, we both are scared even to announce it. This has been our deep desire for years and now that it's here the heavy weight of reality hits. We are going to welcome a precious child into our home who we haven't known and loved since birth. We have the weighty honor of loving a child who comes from loss. My heart has ached for months now to bring him/her home but since we've been accepted by our agency, the ache hurts just a little more, just a little deeper. This is REALLY happening!!

To bring you all up to speed, we have always wanted to adopt and felt called to adopt from Uganda. We have dreamed of this for so long but planned to adopt after having at least one biological child. Silly us to ever try to plan our family, God knew all along this is how our family would form. In July 2013, God began moving in my heart to adopt first, after praying for a few weeks, Chris agreed. A few months later we were talking about our adoption and we both realized God had moved our hearts into jumping fully into His plan.

We were really thinking we would begin the adoption in the fall but God began pushing me early in January to start. I prayed and prayed hoping Chris would feel that same push. God used me to talk to him and he agreed that we should start and so we have! We talked for about an hour and a half with a social worker on the 22nd and got the approval to apply. We applied on the 23rd and were accepted into the Uganda program on January 2014!

We do not have a preference on the gender and are open to adopting a sibling set. We aren't sure of the age but a realistic age is 2 or older. We are trusting that God has the right child or children in mind for us. Our God is so mighty and big, we are trying to rest in that.

We have no idea how we will fund our adoption, we are diligently saving as much as we can every month but we will be fundraising and trusting God to provide. We feel called to adopt without debt even though it seems almost impossible with adoption costs pushing $30,000.  You can help us with our first fundraiser by buying delicious coffee from Just Love Coffee Roasters. That link takes you to our personal store and we get a portion of the proceeds! We have also opened an Etsy Shop: Slowly By Slowly shop where you can buy Ugandan and Colombian jewelry. It is our hope that you wear the jewelry and have opportunities to spread our story.

What we really need is prayer...
Please pray for our hearts to trust God fully in this process, everything is out of our control which is intimidating and exciting.

Please pray for our child/children who are growing or will be growing in a less than desirable situation. Pray they know although they may not have an earthly father, that their Heavenly Father has them in the palm of His hands.

Please pray for our child/children's birth family. All adoption comes from loss and our greatest treasure is someones deepest pain and loss. We already ache for our birth family and for the loss that they and our child will carry.

Please pray for us to have wisdom as we start the process, wisdom as we fill out paper work, get physicals, complete home studies, prepare to be first time parents, wisdom as we prepare to adopt and parent a hurting child.

Please pray for wisdom as we navigate an adoption in a world where people prey on kids, see them as object or as a money making scheme. Pray that we have the wisdom to protect ourselves and our child from corruption that often times accompanies adoption.

Thank you for joining us in this journey, what a sweet world our child/children will join into being in community with all of you!! What an amazing thought that they will go from being an orphan to a child who is deeply loved by not only us but by all of you!


  1. I think behind you and Chris I'm most excited for this kid! Can't wait to meet him and walk alongside you!

  2. Megan and Chris,

    Our Heavenly Father instruct in James 1:27

    27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

    What better way to do this then to be lead by the Father in the starting of your family, I am very excited for you guys, I pray that our Father will give you all the wisdom you need and that He will protect your hearts and your family in all that He leads you to do.

    Love ya,
    Uncle Tim

  3. Whoever the child is, he or she will be lucky to have you as parents. I can’t wait for that child to be welcomed in a loving home and family life that both of you could offer. I wish you a smooth path as you go along with your adoption journey!

    Dean Glover @ Adoption Network


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