I, Megan, have always wanted 2 things...to be a wife and a mom. The wife thing is amazing, I love every day of marriage. I knew I wanted to marry Chris after just a few months but not so patiently waited 5 1/2 years until Chris finished school. During that time we had plenty of time to pray and dream about our family. Sometime early on I told him I desperately wanted to adopt. He was easily convinced but we were planning on adopting after we having biological kids. Fast forward a few years I have spent 5 months in Uganda, he spent 5 months in Costa Rica, we both desperately love the unloved and marginalized, we are married and we want to start a family. Spring/Summer of 2013 I started researching all things babies and God began to move in my heart. Without telling Chris I started praying God would clearly show us when and how we were supposed to have kids. I read parenting books and adoption books and God convinced me adoption was first. Late July 2013, I told...