This is the third and last installment of the Q and A series. If you have any questions put them in the comments and we are happy to share more! Got any book recommendations for someone wanting to adopt? The author of The Connected Child, Karyn Purvis, died of cancer when I was in Uganda (I'm pretty sure she actually died at the exact same time we were failing court date #2 or was a bad day). I was an absolute mess, she is my hero, she brought so much hope to many hurting families. She and her team at TCU (Texas Christian University) have revolutionized the adoption world. God used her mightily. There are a million other resources: videos ( Karyn Purvis YouTube Channel ), the The TCU website . etc. Just search TBRI (trust based relational intervention) or her name and there are so many resources. Each year, she put on a conference called Empowered to Connect . Her team still does and it's incredible. We went before we were matched with Noeline and ...
We had several questions, and the responses are fairly long so this is a bit of a series. Here's Part 2: Have you experienced racist reactions from people? Yes, unfortunately we do fairly often. There is a park near by where a couple times moms have told their kids to stay away from the "black girl." Most have no idea I'm her mom and will say it when I can clearly hear it. We've been accused of only wanting to be Brad and Angelina. We constantly are stared at. People try to touch her constantly, especially her hair. Most often it happens in higher end grocery stores. Ignorant racism is rampant at Sprouts. Most of the racism we see is pity, or are told how lucky she is to be in our family. As if being in a "white" family is somehow better. And as if her being adopted is better than her living in Uganda. We also far more see the systematic racism in education, the government, the prison system because it's personal now. That's embarrassin...