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We Got News

Nothing happens quickly in the adoption world, it's full of waiting and waiting. We were told we would hear after the 16th from our agency regarding their trip. But WE WERE EMAILED TODAY!! That was 4 days early. I made Chris read it out loud to me and I guarded my heart to hear the impact. I'm not ready to give up yet, I don't feel like God is closing this door....he read these words:

"the trip was a positive one in many aspects as his meetings brought about much information"

Information...that's not what I want to hear. My heart sank, positive in what way? Positive in that we got a lot of information, cleared things up, door are closing but at least we did things the right way? Please God NO!  Then he read:

"One of the main ideas he experienced was seeing many officials and organizations desire REFORM, not CLOSURE of the guardianship/adoption process. "Our Agency" also feels that reform is necessary in order to move forward. From these meetings that were held in country, "our agency" will be looked to as an agency to partner with the country on reforming the process of guardianships/adoptions. This is an incredibly high honor!

Really!! I immediately burst into big ugly tears but for the first time in a while they were good tears!! The door was open, we can continue adopting!! Chris laughed at me and then continued reading:

"We are thankful to share that "our agency" will NOT be suspending our Uganda program at this time, but our program will have some transformations as reforms of the guardianship process are vital. Reform WILL involve a slowdown and potentially a significant one."

Oh my heart...not suspending...will probably slow down...I can deal with that. We have 2 years until Chris will graduate from UCLA! I generally hate waiting but in the wait already we have seen God work. Wait is weirdly comfortable now, in wait God draws us closer in dependence to Him.

Chris continued reading:

"We truly feel that "our agency" and your family can become an instrumental part in the changes that occur within Uganda!"

What an honor it is to partner with a country we love to help bring reform and protect the fatherless along side them! I have said it before and will say it again, we LOVE our agency. What an honor to work with an agency who values orphans more than just through adoption. They are committed to only doing ethical adoptions and building relationships with Uganda and other countries.

That is almost the entire email we received. We think Uganda has felt violated and taken advantage of regarding international adoptions. Western countries have found a loophole in their system, something that would frustrate any government. Ugandans are beautifully extremely relational and want to protect their vulnerable people. We think they wanted to be valued and heard. We suspect our agency's trip validated their concerns and continued to deepen and strengthen the relationship Uganda desires with adoption agencies. This was not part of the email and is totally my own assumption after living in Uganda and knowing what we do about Ugandan adoptions. 

This is almost exactly what I've been praying for weeks. Without telling anyone else, even Chris, I've been praying that adoptions would stay open, a reform would happen (to protect orphans) and that our agency would deepen relationships and help walk alongside Uganda as they figured this out!! I'm humbled to know my meek and doubting prayers were heard!

We are extremely humbled and grateful for your support and prayers. We prayed big, impossible things but we serve a BIG God who can do the impossible! And we serve a relational God who desires people of all walks of life to love one another. I can imagine Him smiling as he saw people from very different cultures and walks of life loving each other and valuing His call to defend the fatherless!

Please continue praying for relationships to deepen and strengthen, 

Pray Ugandan adoptions will be  reformed in a God-honoring way and that we can honor our child and their culture as we CONTINUE our adoption!!


  1. Yay! So exciting for you guys. I have been following your blog. My husband and I are wanting to adopt from Uganda. First we were hoping to do this independently with help of friends and family in Uganda, but that will not be happening. We are excited that doors are remaining open- with a hope of reform with the ethical situations. We are going to be waiting a bit longer, hoping that God will lead us in his timing. However, I am praying God will continue directing your family into every door he would have you go through with favor and blessings. Would you share what agency you are going through? We are currently researching to find the best fit.
    God bless!

  2. Hey Jessica,
    I'd love to tell you more! Email me at!

  3. What a great development! I also felt that suspense when I was reading that first part. Haha! Anyway, I really think that your adoption is a very instrumental event that can really transform the whole process in that country into something better. Let's all stay positive. I'm with all your readers and supporters in wishing that everything goes well and breezy. Cheers!

    Carlos Strey @ The Bridge Across


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